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Revitalising Kingsville's Open Spaces

Given only one percent of the total land area in the suburb of Kingsville is open space - largely taken up by Beevers and Bell reserves - we're keen to capture your ideas for maximising the ability of residents to enjoy these two neighbourhood reserves.

One way this might occur, for example, could be to close Coronation Street and incorporate it into the overall footprint of Bell Reserve effectively joining the two currently divided open spaces to improve both the quality and functionality of the Reserve.

The idea was initially flagged in the Open Space Strategy 5 Year Review Addendum Report June 2020 and is something we'd like to explore further as we develop draft concept plans for both Bell and Beevers reserves.

What Beevers and Bell currently offer

Located on Wales Street, Beevers Reserve is classified as a small neighbourhood open space and features:

  • a half-court and basketball ring
  • seating
  • a water bubbler, including a dog bowl
  • a rubbish bin
  • decorative garden beds
  • established trees
  • a play space with swings, rocker, spinner, and slide
  • seating
  • walking paths.

Bell Reserve, which is classified as a small open space, borders Webb Street and is currently split in two by Coronation Street. It features:

  • grassed areas for kicking a ball or relaxing
  • seating
  • a rubbish bin
  • decorative garden beds
  • established trees.
An aerial map of the suburb of Kingsville. There are two areas marked in red. The larger of the two is Beevers Reserve, the small is Bell Reserve.

An aerial map of Kingsville highlighting the location of Beevers and Bell reserves in relation to each other.

How to participate

Along with your thoughts on the possible closure of Coronation Street, we also want to know what you love generally about either reserve and where you see room for improvement, including the potential for a new public toilet at Beevers Reserve.

Complete the questionnaire below, drop a pin on the interactive map, or chat with us in person at Beevers Reserve on Wednesday 26 March, 4-6pm.

Feedback closes midnight Sunday 30 March 2025.

Things to think about

  • What's possible

    • A public toilet at Beevers Reserve.
    • The potential closure of Coronation Street to increase the amount of public space at Bell Reserve.
    • Ideas for programming and activation.
    • Improved amenity at both reserves.
  • What's not possible

    • It is unlikely Council will consider any infrastructure that restricts the use of open space and prevents broader community use, given the lack of open space in the area.
    • It is not possible to support a play space at Bell Reserve.

💬 Complete the questionnaire

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