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Defining Dobson Reserve's Future Direction

Despite being one of the few large outdoor sporting venues within the central and western areas of the City, balancing the needs of competing interests from casual recreation and formal sporting activities at Dobson Reserve in Churchill Avenue is becoming increasingly challenging as the population continues to grow, putting pressure on available open space.

The Reserve currently supports a range of activities and includes:

  • a half-court and basketball ring
  • cricket nets
  • a play space
  • an oval that is used for soccer during the winter months and cricket during the summer
  • a soccer pitch
  • a sports pavilion
  • walking paths that link to surrounding streets, including access to Shepherds Gardens to the south-east of the site
  • open space for informal recreation activities
  • car parking to the east and west of the reserve.

Existing sporting facilities at the site are dated and require upgrading to meet future demand, and the pavilion also no longer meets modern standards of universal design and equitable access for women and girls.

A new Master Plan will aim to balance the sporting and recreation needs of current and future user groups with the interests of the broader community.

An aerial map of Dobson Reserve. The reserve is bordered by a red dotted line.

An aerial map of Dobson Reserve. Classified as a large municipal open space it caters for a large number of user groups, including football, cricket, and soccer, as well as casual recreation.

How to participate

We are seeking to understand in the first instance your broad aspirations for Dobsons Reserve - what you love, which areas you feel could improve, and additional things you might like us to consider for the future. We're also keen to understand your thoughts on the possible co-location of a public toilet within the pavilion.

Complete the questionnaire below, drop a pin on the interactive map, or chat with us in person near the play space on the Reserve on Wednesday 19 March, 5-7pm.

Your comments will help inform a draft Master Plan which will be shared for further feedback in late 2025. Feedback closes midnight Sunday 30 March 2025.

  • The play space

    A potential upgrade of the place space, including equipment and activities.

  • Lighting

    Potentially along pathways near amenities (barbeque area or shelter). Council has received funding to enhance lighting of the playing fields.

  • A public toilet

    Dobson Reserve was identified as the location for a new public toilet in the Public Toilet Plan 2019-2029. This could be co-located in the sports pavilion.

  • Plantings

    More trees to increase canopy cover (shade), functional and decorative garden beds with a focus on native species.

  • Waste bins

    Opportunity for extra rubbish bins or comingled recycling bins.

  • Shelter

    What could help provide protection from both the rain and the sun.

  • Bike facilities

    Opportunities for bicycle hoops or maybe a repair station.

  • Seating

    Upgraded or additional seating.

  • Barbeque

    Potential for new facilities.

  • Walking paths

    Ways to update or extend existing paths.

Image gallery

Scroll through the images below to view some of the existing facilities at Dobson Reserve.