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Facility and Amenity Review

The Highpoint Major Activity Centre will grow to accommodate approximately 15,000 dwellings and 32,000 residents by 2041.

With a larger population and more visitors to the area, this will place further pressure on the local infrastructure and specifically facilities at Robert Barrett Reserve - from both current and future sporting groups and users.

A large municipal open space, with a playground and sports field, Robert Barrett Reserve, which sits adjacent to Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre, features two bowling greens, a sports ground, general open space, picnic tables, seating, a skate park, and a walking path. It is home to the Rosamond Bowls Club and Rosamond Tennis Club with the sports ground used by a number of clubs during summer and winter seasons.

We already know amenities, such as lighting, seating, and the play space, are past their best, and we've heard from residents in both 2017 and 2020 that they would support a new and larger open space, as well as pedestrian and cycle access both into and through the Reserve.

Council wants to expand on these earlier conversations to support the development of a draft Master Plan to identify upgrades needed to ensure Robert Barrett Reserve remains an inviting and flexible space that meets the needs of the current and future community.

Share your ideas by completing the questionnaire below, adding a note on the Post-it wall, or chat with us in person at Robert Barrett Reserve from on Wednesday 26 March, 5-7pm.

Feedback closes midnight Sunday 30 March 2025.

An aerial map of Robert Barrett Reserve and the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre

An aerial map of Robert Barrett Reserve and the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre.

This conversation is about more than amenity

As part of this conversation, we also need to think about where a new Maribyrnong Library might go when the current lease, which sits within the Highpoint Shopping Precinct, expires in late 2028.

Potentially co-locating a new library onsite is an option we are also looking to explore.

Any potential change would need to increase capacity and be informed by further engagement with our community.

How to participate



What's one thing you like most or one thing you'd like to see improved at Robert Barrett Reserve?

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Robert Barrett image gallery

Scroll through the images below to view existing amenities at Robert Barrett Reserve.