Our spending for 2023/24

Following two community conversations to inform its development, the Annual Budget 2023/24 has now been endorsed. Thank you to all of those who provided feedback for this year's Annual Budget, the response rate was three times higher than any previous budget engagement.

Council will spend $223.5 million to fund the delivery of essential services, facilities, and infrastructure.

This spend reflects a commitment to support ongoing community recovery efforts, noting the October 2022 Flood event and the cost of living pressures in a post COVID-19 environment, and to fund appropriate service delivery and infrastructure updates through a robust capital works program.

Of the allocated $223.5 million, $87.63 million is dedicated to capital works, while $135.9 million is allocated to ensure the continued delivery of essential services and programs across the municipality. This includes support for maternal and child health, immunisation services, arts and cultural experiences, library and community centre events.

Capital works funding for the 2023/2024 Annual Budget includes:

  • $32.90 million for public realm and streetscapes upgrade
  • $21.78 million for roads and footpaths
  • $14.48 million for sport and recreation facilities
  • $6.27 million for aquatic and leisure centres
  • $3.12 million for early years and young people
  • $2.76 million for community centres, arts and libraries
  • $2.47 million for parks and gardens
  • $1.03 million for drainage
  • $1.02 million for bike infrastructure
  • $375,000 for waste management

Other prior commitments to be delivered include:

  • $6 million for the new Splash Park at Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre to support its completion by this summer
  • $4.5 million towards the upgrade of the Western Lawn at Footscray Park - noting additional funding has also been endorsed to manage contamination and deliver this long-awaited upgrade

A high-level summary of the Annual Budget can be found in the document library where you can also view a copy of the Annual Budget 2023/24.

Changes to rates

There will be a 2.98% increase in total rates revenue collected, below the State Government's maximum rates cap of 3.5%, to support the rejuvenation of our City while maintaining a careful balance between revenue and expenses.

Also, to help maintain the current level of waste services, we’re having to increase waste service charges to compensate for higher landfill levies imposed by the Victorian Government and rising recycling, processing, and contract costs.

Download the adopted Annual Budget 2023/24

Providing feedback

Providing feedback

General feedback or a formal submission – or both – can be made either online using the form below or by downloading a copy from the library and sending to us at: budgetsubmissions@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au

Submissions close midnight, Sunday 7 May.

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