Consultation has concluded

Maribyrnong Council aims to deliver a responsible and balanced budget that maintains excellence in service delivery, provides a strong capital program and is responsive to the growing needs of our community.

The Annual Budget 2021-22 of $167.2 million was endorsed by Council on Tuesday 15 June 2021.

The Budget has been developed in line with Council’s Long Term Financial Strategy and the Council Plan 2021-2025 to ensure a sustainable future.

Download the Budget 2021-22 to view the entire document, or view the highlights by downloading the Budget Companion document.

Capital Projects include:

  • $12.47 million for parks, open space and streetscapes in capital and improvement works including the planting of trees in streets, boulevards, and parks across the City
  • $9.09 million to improve Council-owned roads across the City
  • $6.65 million to build and improve footpath and cycle ways
  • $7.41 million for recreational, leisure and community facilities
  • $955,000 for off street carparks and other infrastructure
  • $1.25 million in waste management
  • $235,000 for Park Infrastructure Maintenance
  • $5.5 million in City Amenity
  • $2.7 million in Environmental Services
  • $3.3 million in Road Maintenance
  • $515,000 for drainage maintenance
  • $250,000 in Line Marking

Increase to the Pensioner Rate Rebate Scheme

The Pensioner Rate Rebate Scheme for all Maribyrnong pensioners eligible to participate in the State Government Pensioner Remission Scheme will increase from $198.20 to $201.30.

COVID-19 Hardship Policy

The COVID-19 Financial Hardship policy will be extended until 30 June 2022.

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