
Globally, the planet is experiencing the hottest years on record as the climate continues to warm, and the frequency and intensity of heatwaves, floods, bushfires, and extreme weather events increase.

We’re also feeling the effects locally. We don’t have to think back that far to recall the increasing frequency and severity of storms wreaking havoc in our City – the most recent late last year bringing major flooding and damaging hundreds of trees across the municipality, requiring weeks of clean-up.

We also know urban areas are more vulnerable to rising temperatures because they trap and reflect more heat from their many hard surfaces, especially felt where greenery is limited, as is the case in many parts of the City of Maribyrnong. This is further exacerbated by hotter weather, increasing reliance on fans and air conditioning, which can, in turn, create financial pressure, especially on the more at risk members of our community.

Council is working on the things it can do to address these environmental challenges and prevent long-term damage – like planting more trees and creating an urban forest to reduce the ground temperature in the summer months, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy.

However, we can't do this alone.

After acknowledging we are in a state of climate emergency in 2019, Council developed a Climate Emergency Strategy in 2020 and in April 2022 adopted a Climate Emergency Action Plan to identify ways we can collectively support a safer climate for our local community, our environment and importantly our children and our children's children.

Our environment

Find the information, programs and activities to help you reduce your impact on the environment - in the home, garden and around our community.

Climate Emergency Advisory Committee

Eight community representatives have been appointed for a two-year term.