The project
We’re modifying the existing footpath along Dempster Street and the two main intersections between Somerville and Sunshine roads – Indwe and Gwelo streets – to support safe pedestrian and cyclist travel through the area, specifically between the Stony Creek Trail and Tottenham Train Station.
Upgrades include:
- replacing the existing footpath along the eastern side of Dempster Street with a new two metre wide shared user path (deviating around existing trees where practicable to minimise any impact on vegetation and greenery)
- new line markings along the path in both directions to support safe travel in both directions
- the installation of two new pedestrian crossings – one at the intersection of Gwelo and Dempster streets, and the other at the intersection of Indwe and Dempster streets and Paramount Road
- redesigning the Indwe and Dempster streets intersection as a T-intersection with only one pedestrian crossing point to improve the safety of all users travelling through the area
- creating two new car parking spaces on Indwe Street, near Dempster Street, to support access to the nearby residential and industrial properties.
All the existing trees in the nature strip along Dempster Street will be retained, with opportunity for additional trees following the upgrades, to support increased canopy cover and greenery in the area.
Where the shared path intersects with driveways the pavement will also be coloured serving as an early warning for cyclists and pedestrians to slow down and watch for vehicles. The curved elements of the shared path will also encourage users to slow down when walking or riding through the area. We’ll also be putting up signs to remind users of the shared space and to be aware of their surroundings.
These works are key deliverables of the Maribyrnong Bicycle Strategy 2020-2030, to improve the bicycle and pedestrian connection between Tottenham Station and the Stony Creek Trail. VicRoads control Dempster Street and Paramount Road and all proposed works are subject to their approval.
Engagement for this project closed on 26 April 2023.. Alongside what we heard from the community, further work on this project will be informed by work on the Integrated Transport Strategy in 2024.
View the changes
Read more about the changes below, or download a copy of the plans from the Document Library.
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