Update: 18 April 2023

Council will be proceeding with the implementation of a Master Plan to deliver multi-million dollar improvements, including an indoor sports facility, at McIvor Reserve in Yarraville - after a bid to overturn the original decision failed.

The motion was lost four-three. This means the decision made at the meeting on 29 March to endorse the document, stands.

The Master Plan includes additional actions and revisions addressing specific concerns raised during engagement. It was informed by more than ten months of engagement with the community, sporting clubs, and users of the Reserve, technical investigations, and specialist advice.

It also confirms the inclusion of an indoor sports facility as part of a balanced outcome that responds to a variety of community needs.

You can view the endorsed Master Plan here.

Community Engagement Journey

Explore the tabs below to look back on the two formal phases of engagement.

Community Engagement Feedback Summary

We’ve provided a snapshot of the last ten months of community engagement on the McIvor Reserve Master Plan.