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A revitalised reserve in the heart of Seddon

Harris Reserve is a small neighbourhood park with a playground and picnic facilities, close to the Seddon Village.

In 2021, when asked what new features and changes residents would like to see, respondents to an online survey confirmed open space and greenery were important, but they would also like access to a public toilet.

Following a second conversation with the community around potential locations, we delivered a new public toilet on Thomson Street, near the intersection with Gamon Street.

We're now sharing the draft Harris Reserve Concept Plan informed by that earlier engagement, for your feedback.

It proposes an extended lawn area, additional tree planting, and infill planting to the existing garden beds.

The aim is to provide a safe and welcoming environment in the heart of Seddon that will:

  • maximise use of the reserve for all age groups
  • provide a space that meets the needs for play, socialising, relaxation and exercise.

Learn more about the draft Concept Plan below and share your thoughts by midnight Monday 10 June 2024.

Draft Concept Plan

A summary of the proposed Concept Plan

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