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Potential public realm improvements
Seddon has its own distinct local character and charm that sets it apart from neighbouring suburbs like Footscray and Yarraville. However, it also has its own set of challenge including:
- inconsistent access and an overall shortage of open space, including in residential areas west of Gamon Street
- increased pressure on the quality and function of existing open space due to population growth
- issues associated with wayfinding in the suburb and overall connections, including between key locations such as the Seddon Neighbourhood Activity Centre and Seddon Station.
A range of opportunities for improvement, celebration, support and renewal of the public realm in Seddon are proposed to address these challenges to create diverse, distinctive and welcoming spaces that better connect the area with surrounding open spaces, public transport, adjacent neighbourhoods and institutions.
Explore the proposed public realm improvements below, and let us know which of the projects you would want to see prioritised.
Note: These public realm improvements are design concepts
only, and will be subject to further community engagement and design
Potential Public Realm Improvements
Explore the proposed projects by clicking on the dots below and download report snippets from the document library. Pink dots indicate major projects and blue dots indicate minor ongoing projects all designed to improve vitality, sustainability, and community interactions in Seddon.