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A huge thank you to all those who shared their preferences and suggestions for our April Holiday Activities Program. Movie at Hoyts Docklands received the most votes and planning is now underway to support this. We'll share more information here once the Program is finalised.

Keep your ideas coming for the next Holiday Activities Program in July. Things might look a bit different next time, so stay tuned!

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Maribyrnong City Council (Council) is committed to its obligations in protecting your personal information pursuant to the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. The personal information requested on this form is being collected by Council for the purpose of the Youth Hub. The information will be used by Council for this primary purpose or directly related purposes. Council may not be able to assist/provide a service as a consequence should this information not be provided. The information may be disclosed to Council’s contractors for the purpose of carrying out this project. Council will not disclose your personal information to any third party unless permitted or required to do so by law. Requests for access to and/or amendment of the information provided may be made to Council’s Privacy Officer on 9688 0200. For more information please refer to Council’s Privacy Policy, available for download from this website

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